Webinar: Getting Started with Online Piano Lessons

Webinar: Getting Started with Online Piano Lessons

piano online lessonsEver considered online piano teaching?

I was really interested to hear recently that well-respected teacher and presenter Dr Melody Payne from Virginia USA will be presenting an online webinar for piano teachers all about how to teach online piano lessons.

Keep reading for a special offer for staging.topmusic.co subscribers.

In this increasingly connected world and with access to ever-improving communications technology (eg. Skype) actually decreasing in price, piano teachers have a great opportunity to expand the reach of their studio internationally by teaching students online.


This can open up opportunities for teaching during times when your studio might normally be empty (eg. early morning, during the day when children are at school or even during the night if you’re so inclined!).

This webinar will train you in the set up and implementation of online lessons, which will help you develop a contemporary and cutting-edge studio. You will learn about the equipment and tools you need to begin teaching online lessons. You will learn how to use these tools effectively to enhance your teaching, increase your income, and maximize your teaching efforts. If you want to be the most forward-thinking and trend-setting teacher on the block, if you would love to increase your client base, teaching hours, and income, and if you want to offer experiences to students around the world that they will remember for years to come, then online teaching might be just what you’ve been looking for!

This live webinar will be presented on Monday, October 27, 2014, 1:00 p.m. EDT (US time). For Aussies, this is around 4am for the eastern states, however Melody is recording the webinar so that anyone who registers will be able to watch a recording for a short time after the live broadcast.

Even if you haven’t really considered teaching online seriously, but want to find out more about how it works, make sure you check this out. Training like this doesn’t come around too often!

For more information, please head to: Webinar: Getting Started with Online Lessons.

Have you ever taught an online piano lesson? How did it go? Were there any problems?

Tim Topham

Tim Topham is the founder and director of TopMusic. Tim hosts the popular Integrated Music Teaching Podcast, blogs regularly at staging.topmusic.co and speaks at local and international conferences on topics such as integrated teaching, creativity, business, marketing and entrepreneurship. Tim has been featured in American Music Teacher, The Piano Teacher Magazine, California Music Teacher and EPTA Piano Professional. Tim holds an MBA in Educational Leadership, BMus, DipEd and AMusA.

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  1. This is a self piano learning system. For instance, each book gives you the option to click on 500 audios or 200 video samples and instantly hear or see the lesson you’re learning. You can also printout the pages you want to use for piano playing. http://dld.bz/pianolearningguide

  2. Everything seems to be online these days and I want to join the movement. I have taught piano for about 10 years, but I think people are more concerned with commuting to a piano teacher, and so that’s where I think piano teaching online is good. What medium would you suggest as being the best sound quality so I can listen to their pieces they play for me? I might just have to change how I normally teach to adjust. http://europianoschool.com/

    • Hi Regina, the online teaching workshop mentioned above is now available on demand. It contains everything someone would need to know to become confident and comfortable teaching lessons online, and you’ll be ready to go in less than 90 minutes! Here’s the link, and feel free to use code TOPHAMFRIENDS to save $20 off the rental price. vimeo.com/ondemand/onlinelessonswebinar Once you rent the video, it will be available to view for one year. Thanks for your comment!

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