You can transform into the piano teacher you’ve always wanted to be with full of confidence and armed with knowledge from experts in the field just like what Kara Hess, one of our TopMusic Pro members, did. In this episode, I’ve invited Kara who wrote a beautiful email to us about the transitions and positive changes she has gone through since joining TopMusicPro membership. I wanted to bring her on today to share her experience with you on how she transformed her online piano lessons. You’ll be absolutely blown away with the transformation that she’s had in her own mind and mindset since becoming a member. It really is quite revolutionary. I can’t wait to share this with you.
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Kara began teaching in 2006 to just a few friends. In 2014, she decided to start building what has since become a professional and successful studio. She teaches piano because she loves music and wants to share that with others. Her biggest hope as a teacher is to create a place for her students to have fun and learn how to make music an extension of themselves.
Consider implementing the ideas from this podcast by writing several actionable steps for your teaching practice if it’s inspired you.
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