#038: Exploring the Benefits of a Hybrid Teaching Model for Music Teachers in a Post-Pandemic World with Sam Reti

In today’s episode, we’re having a chat with Sam Reti, Founder and CEO of Muzie.Live, about the the benefits of a hybrid teaching model for music teachers in a post pandemic landscape. Muzie.Live is an all in one virtual music studio for online and hybrid music education, providing the highest quality music education tools when it comes to managing your studio, billing, invoicing, scheduling files, practice logs and pretty much anything you could imagine for managing lessons. Listen in as Sam shares his insights on the importance of students playing with other people. He  also shared some great tips and innovative things that music teachers can implement in their studio.

  • Sam shared a brief overview of his background.
  • Sam’s journey as a music teacher to now a tech entrepreneur.
  • The creation of Muzie.Live and how it helped a lot of teachers for online music lessons, especially during the pandemic.
  • Why students need to play with other people and how this impacts their development from Sam’s perspective.
  • The importance of having supportive parents for young musicians.
  • Having a rockstar dream.
  • Food for thought from Michael about Steve Toronto.
  • The advantages of using technology to teach online lessons, especially during the pandemic.
  • The benefits of a hybrid teaching model for music teachers in a post pandemic landscape.
  • Features and benefits of Muzie.Live and how it differs from other platforms.
  • Finding the right marketing team to help your business become a success.
  • Some tips and innovative things that music teachers can implement in their studio.
  • One piece of wisdom from Sam for the listeners.

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Today’s Guest

Sam Reti is a professional guitarist and guitar instructor with over 15 years of experience in music performance. Currently, Sam is the Founder and CEO of Muzie.Live, a platform developed specifically for online, in-person and hybrid music lessons. Sam has personally worked with 1,500+ music studios and teachers throughout his career to help improve their teaching methods and workflows by utilizing technology, which has ultimately led these studios to increase their retention and student engagement.


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